Extra Dark Turbulent Waters, Revocation of Acquired Turkey Citizenship

24 November 2023

Revocation of Acquired Turkey Citizenship

As we promised, today’s topic is the revocation of acquired Turkey citizenship. We hear from around, “What kind of company are you, why do you talk about negative things, people won’t invest, you can’t do business,” they say. We are doing our job. Neither our sister company Industry Istanbul nor Estates Istanbul has ever positioned or declared itself as a sales company. We are a consultancy firm. Our goal is to share the quantifiable information we have with our investors who intend to invest in Turkey, to determine the appropriate place according to the needs of these people, and to ensure that this investment is carried out smoothly and in compliance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey.

An Informative Graphic Detailing The Process And Implications Of Revoking Turkey Citizenship, Highlighting Key Elements Such As Legal Conditions, Fraud Detection, And The Role Of Istanbul In Investment Scenarios
An Informative Graphic Detailing The Process And Implications Of Revoking Turkey Citizenship, Highlighting Key Elements Such As Legal Conditions, Fraud Detection, And The Role Of Istanbul In Investment Scenarios


The Legal Framework for Acquisition of Citizenship and Revocation

Now, let’s get to our topic, the revocation of acquired citizenship. The decision to grant Turkey citizenship can be revoked under Article 40 of the Turkish Citizenship Law if it was made without the legal conditions being met. In cases where such a situation arises from the administration’s own mistake, the necessity of determining the duration of the revocation decision arises; this period must be consistent with some basic principles of citizenship law while ensuring legal stability.

Situations Leading toRevocation of Acquired Turkey Citizenship

If legal conditions were not met, that is, if there is deception or fraud involved, let’s continue by listing:

I. Decision to Grant Citizenship Without Legal Conditions

It would be appropriate to make a distinction based on the non-fulfillment of legal conditions: The applicant may have made false statements regarding the conditions for being granted citizenship or may have concealed important matters. Or, without any intention on the part of the applicant, the administration may have made a decision to grant citizenship without sufficient research and evaluation of the existence of conditions, even though the conditions were not met. In this case, the necessity of evaluating both possibilities separately arises. In both situations, the prosecution gets involved. If there is a false declaration by the person who became a citizen, whoever hides or conceals this false declaration is under suspicion.

An Informative Graphic Detailing The Process And Implications Of Revoking Turkey Citizenship, Highlighting Key Elements Such As Legal Conditions, Fraud Detection, And The Role Of Istanbul In Investment Scenarios
An Informative Graphic Detailing The Process And Implications Of Revoking Turkey Citizenship,

II. Administrative Errors and Revocation Process

If the person became a citizen without making a false declaration, but the administrative authorities granted citizenship, then the prosecutors start to question under what conditions these administrative superiors made such a decision.

Ethical and Legal Implications

In short, the outcome is bad, but it’s a situation that the perpetrator fully deserves. It’s not morally right in the first place. It’s a much more serious crime than tax evasion. Despite not meeting the conditions, you are deceiving the state. The consequences of your deception are paid by the citizens of that state and the previous investors together. Since it also contains a bit of nationalism, no legal officer will act conscientiously towards an investor who tries to deceive the state in this way or those who assist them.

An Informative Graphic Detailing The Process And Implications Of Revocation Of Acquired Turkey Citizenship, Highlighting Key Elements Such As Legal Conditions, Fraud Detection, And The Role Of Istanbul In Investment Scenarios
Delving Into The Complexities Of Turkey Citizenship Revocation: A Close Look At Legal Prerequisites, Fraud Issues, And Istanbul’S Investment Landscape.

Dear Istanbul investor, Istanbul has nearly 25% of Turkey’s population and has always been profitable throughout history. The wisest thing is to try to maximize your investment by continuing it through legal means. Otherwise, our advice to you is not to invest in this beautiful country. Because what you are doing is nothing but gambling. Please do not believe in swindlers who have not developed themselves here, whose only concern is to make it through the day with the few pennies they will get from you.

Tomorrow, as we promised in our article yesterday, we will discuss the cries of investors who have fallen for such scams, as reported in reputable media outlets.

For the most correct and profitable investment, you can contact us.

Stay well, Estates Istanbul.

Main Source


Alternative Sources

Aybay Rona, Vatandaşlık Hukuku, 2. B., İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul 2006. Çağlayan Ramazan, “İdarî İşlemlerin Geri Alınması Üzerine”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Erzincan Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C. IV, S. 1-2, 2000, s. 43-58. Doğan Vahit, Türk Vatandaşlık Hukuku, 11. B., Seçkin Yayınları, Ankara 2012. Erdem Bahadır, Türk Vatandaşlık Hukuku, Beta, İstanbul, 2010. Gözler Kemal İdare Hukuku, 1. B., C. 1, Ekin Kitabevi, Bursa 2003. Gözübüyük Şeref/ Tan Turgut, İdare Hukuku, 4. B., C. 1, Turhan, Ankara 2006. Günday Metin, İdare Hukuku, 9. B., İmaj Yayınevi, Ankara 2004. Güngör Gülin, Tâbiiyet Hukuku Gerçek Kişiler-Tüzel Kişiler-Şeyler, Yetkin, Ankara 2012. Nomer Ergin, Vatandaşlık Hukuku, 16. B., Filiz Kitabevi, İstanbul 2002. Tan Turgut, İdarî İşlemin Geri Alınması, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Yayınları, Ankara 1970. Tanrıbilir, Feriha Bilge, Türk Vatandaşlığı Kanunu Tasarısının Vatandaşlığın Kaybına İlişkin Hükümleri, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, S. 76, 2008, (27-63). (Vatandaşlığın Kaybı) Tanrıbilir Feriha Bilge, Türk Vatandaşlığı Kanunu Tasarısının Vatandaşlığın Kazanılmasına İlişkin Hükümleri, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, S. 75, 2008, (27-62). (Vatandaşlığın Kazanılması


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